The Raindrop Technique helps support mind, body, spirit, and emotions. It utilizes 9 different Young Living Essential Oils in a particular sequence to help align the spine, electrically and structurally. It was created by D. Gary Young with the influence from the Lakota medicine man, Black Wallace Elk. It is a spiritual practice that consists of "laying on of hands" and prayerful meditation. The benefits of Raindrop Technique include:
-Supports a healthy immune system
-Soothes inflammation and pain
-Ease respiratory discomfort
-Enhance positive emotions and help relieve stress
-Supports the body to come back into balance
-Eases muscle discomfort
-Promotes relaxation
-Supports ability to concentrate.
I am certified as a Raindrop Technique Specialist through CARE ~ Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education. Read more about the benefits of the Raindrop Technique, here.
In 2012, Dr. Christi Bonds-Garrett, created the Vibrational Raindrop Technique with the addition of tuning forks, for an enhanced experience. I am also certified as Raindrop Harmonics Specialist via the NTCB.

Anyone can learn to do the raindrop. The Raindrop Technique Essential Oil kit can be purchased through Young Living's website.

Here is a video by Tamara Packer on learning to do the raindrop technique on your loved ones.