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The Mind of God

Writer's picture: Jena Love DaileyJena Love Dailey

We can turn to Gottfreid Wilhem Leibniz, who asked one of the most meaningful questions he thought science should answer first, " Why is there something, rather than nothing?"

and before moving on, it’s important to answer this question.

Many hypotheses (especially mainstream) are based on a priori assumptions, physical observations, imaginations, and beliefs.

there are three answers to this question ~ 1) Something came from nothing 2) nothing came from something, 3) something came from something.

Despite almost all the evidence at hand, mainstream science and religions have declared 1 or 2  or combination of them is the nature of true reality.

Big bang, point of singularity, TOE, Catholic "creatio ex nihilo", etc..

For #3 to be true (which I will offer proof, below) the implications are profound.

Greek Philosophers, Pythagoras and Euclid developed much of the logical and geometrical basis for mathematics of modern science... symbolic representations of the structure of reality;  however, over the past few hundred years, mathematics has been mainly used for practical engineering and technical purposes.  There has been a lost connection with the metaphysics of reality, most modern scientist and mathematicians are surprised to see theorems developed in pure mathematics turn out to have direct correspondence with real, observable physical phenomena.

The calculus of Newton is not appropriate for quantum physics.  There is a bottom to physical reality.  The structures of reality can not be divided indefinitely; this means the calculus of Newton (and Leibinz), while very useful at the midscale of reality, is inappropriate for application on the quantum level.

There is an illusion that physical reality is infinitely divisible.. the delusion of finite consciousness can be easily refuted by taking a piece of paper and continue to fold it, you will reach an end point.  It can be imagined, but it can't be done, because physical reality is quantized.

Reality is quantized and has proved true for mass and energy by Max Plank, and has expanded to include space, time, and consciousness by several scientists including Edward Close and Vernon Neppe, providing a comprehensive model of reality with all finite phenomena describable as combinations of standardized quantum equivalence units ~ the true quantum units capable of describing the building blocks of the physical reality.

Mathematical truth is not something invented by human beings, it is, and always has been there to be discovered.  It remains true in the Galactic UFO realm, as well, and is consistent with Elena's descriptions of the Council of 9 and more elucidated in her many books.

Sacred dimensionometry is the logical space-time-consciousness structure of the nine dimensions of reality.  Embedded within the transfinite substrate are three dimensions of space, three dimensions of time, and three dimensions of consciousness.  These nine-dimensional domains are temporarily contracted to the three dimensions: one of space, one of time, and one of consciousness during observations and condensed in the distinctions of spinning energy (energy vortices) that form the structure of what we perceive

as the physical universe.

This is based on the work of Neepe and Close's which have discovered "gimmel" ~ a non-physical (without mass or energy) component of reality, without which there would be no stable physical universe. The conceptual model (Triadic Dimensional Vortical Paradigm) was developed using precise empirical data from the Large Hadron Collider and Mathematical Theorems.

"and the presence of gimmel in all of the building blocks of physical reality constitute what could be called the fingerprints of God, tangibly apparent on the physical world. In this way, God’s fingerprints are present in every atom of this universe, in every structure of reality. Our universe is actually a finite manifestation of Cosmic Intelligence. We are literally manifestations of eternal logical thoughts existing in the mind of God!"


Fermat’s Last Theorem, Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem, and the Gimmel Existence of Consciousness Theorem. Mathematical and empirical Proof of these three theorems have profound practical implications for every conscious being by giving rise to the development and validation of a practical quantum calculus, the calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoDD); and consequently, to The discovery that specific finite quantities of the spiritual essence of Reality, momentarily called gimmel, exist in every stable elementary part of the universe. This discovery is nothing less than the indisputable proof of the existence of the all-pervasive Infinite intelligence that, while as long as we identify as any finite localized part of reality, we may legitimately think of as the Mind of God.

Noting, a mathematical statement that is elevated to the status of a theorem must be irrefutably proved by valid logical procedures from first principles, almost the exact opposite of a theory with regard to logical proof.

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